Unseen Future wallpaper is a collection that draws from the late 20th century and a love of all things post-modern. Colourways begin in the Mid Century, travel through the 1970’s, and arrive firmly in the 1980’s.
An angled grid forms the structure of the Unseen Future wallpaper pattern family. The Block motif offers an undisturbed rhythm of pattern with the illusion of depth. Fault has a folded motif in every repeat, a nod the occasion graphic stutter behind 1980’s virtual host Max Headroom. Fault and Block match seamlessly into each other in the event that the folded motif be too frequent.
In contrast, Palm rejects the formality of the grid with a layered foliage motif to preserve the idea of depth. A rich and lush pattern, Palm is an interpretation of the houseplants of the 1970’s. Palm Fault creates the bridge between the two grid motifs with the great contrast, in this case, between informal foliage and the rigid graphic repeat. Both designs with the Palm motif work beautifully on their own or a bold stripe can be created with alternating drops of Palm and Palm Fault.